Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Christmas by Celement Clark Moore Parody(In a Different Poetry Format)

‘Twas the Dawn Before Christmas

Everyone cheer! Everyone cheer!
Let the Jingle Bell ring;
‘Cause Christmas is finally here,
Now everybody sing!
Then we are gonna celebrate,
With a piece of pumpkin pie;
Mmmm! Delicious! Isn’t it great?
Oh, now look at the sky!
Yes, I know that there’s no snow;
But just look up, no time for a mock;
Get out of bed and out we go!
Oh no, wait; it’s only 4 o’clock.
Get back to bed, dear; sorry to bother,
The alarm went off early; blame your mother.
-written in 2009, November by Jiyoon Lim

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